School Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP) » School Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP)

School Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP)

School Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP)

The SAIP is developed cooperatively with involved stakeholders through a school-family conference, which is required after the school’s notice to the student’s parent/guardian upon the third unlawful absence. Teachers are the first line of defense for compulsory attendance, as they are the first to recognize students with possible attendance issues. Therefore, teachers should implement a plan of action including, but not limited to:

  • Sharing and reviewing school policy on attendance and student responsibilities with students and families;
  • Contacting the student’s parent/guardian upon their absence;
  • Meeting individually with students to discuss reason(s) for absence;
  • Following up with the building principal (or assigned truant officer);
  • Making referrals to guidance counselors and
  • Collaborating with Student Assistance Teams as appropriate.

Pursuant to the BEC 24 P.S. 13-1327, schools are required to notify the parent/guardian regarding the need for a joint conference upon the third unlawful student absence. The school-family conference engages all participants involved in the student’s life to explore possible solutions to increase the student’s school attendance. Maintaining open communication between the student and adults will facilitate positive outcomes. 

The purpose of the school-family conference is to discuss the cause(s) of the truancy and to develop a mutually agreed upon plan to assure regular school attendance. The school-family conference provides both parties with the opportunity to identify, understand and explore all issues contributing to the student’s truant behavior. Participation by the student and family is an integral component for this conference. In addition, representatives from relevant and/or involved community-based agencies, community and school services and school personnel should be invited to participate. During the school-family conference, a SAIP shall be developed cooperatively with the student and other meeting participants as described in Section IV (A)(3) BEC 24 P.S. 13-1327.