Bus Schedules
2024-2025 Bus Schedules (Click the bus schedule name to open it in a new tab)
The bus schedules are subject to change due to new students enrolling and address changes. Schedule revisions are made available throughout the year on this page.
If you have an address change, please go to your child's school to complete an address change form and to submit proof of residency. The school will contact the transportation staff to obtain a new bus assignment for your child. A daycare/babysitter form is necessary if your child will be picked up and dropped off at a location other than your home address.
For more information on transportation or to obtain a daycare/babysitter form, click here for the district's transportation page https://www.gjsd.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1470908&type=d&pREC_ID=712304.