Reporting Off Procedure » Reporting Off Procedures

Reporting Off Procedures


  • Enter the absence into Ignite’s system,, or call (814) 619-3377
  • If the absence is for a family member, you must also email Michelle Taylor, [email protected], to notify the District of your use of an allotted family member sick day
  • Do not call off to Central Administration or your Building Secretary. You must follow the above procedure



Family Medical Leave

  • Once Board approved Family Medical Leave, you are permitted to utilize your approved leave
  • Email Michelle Taylor, [email protected]
  •  and indicate:
    1. You are using a family medical leave day
    2. You will be taking the day as illness, personal, or unpaid family medical leave
      • Please keep in mind that once approved for Family Medical Leave, FML absences may only be taken for the purpose listed on the approved leave. You may take illness or personal days as usual, but only days used for the approved FML reason may be taken as FML.  For example, if you request FML for the care of your ill father, you may not take an FML day to take your son to an appointment. 


Personal Day/Vacation Day

  • Enter the absence into Ignite’s system,, or call (814) 619-3377
  • Personal Day and/or Vacation Day requests must be made at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance


Jury Duty

  • If you are summoned for jury duty, email
  • You will also be required to submit the following:
    1. A copy of the summons for jury duty
    2. A copy of the juror receipt given to you the day(s) you serve jury duty


Please note that the district allows for full and half days of absence.  When taking a half-day, please make sure that the duration of your absence is correct.