Superintendent's Performance Objective
The Board of Directors shall evaluate the performance of the Superintendent at least once a year in accordance with Pennsylvania law and all applicable statutes, regulations and Board Policy. The instrument will be developed by the Board in consultation with the Superintendent. The evaluation instrument will contain the following performance ratings:
- Distinguished
- Proficient
- Needs Improvement
- Failing
Each evaluation shall be in writing and will take place no later than June 30th during the contract year at issue.
Objective Performance Standards
The performance of the Superintendent shall be assessed by the Board against the objective performance standards listed below. The performance standards shall be posted on the District’s website. The Board of Directors and Superintendent hereby mutually agree to the following performance standards:
- Standard #1 - Strategic Leadership
- The Superintendent is an educational leader who has the knowledge and skills to think and plan strategically, creating an organizational vision around student success.
- Standard #2 - Operations, Fiscal and Resource Management
- The Superintendent manages resources for effective results.
- Standard #3 - Data Informed Decision Making
- The Superintendent knows how to access and use appropriate data to inform decision-making at all levels of the system.
- Standard #4 - Professionalism
- The Superintendent operates in a fair and equitable manner with personal and professional dignity.
- Standard #5 - Communications, Board Relations
- The Superintendent collaborates, communicates, engages, and empowers others inside and outside the organization to pursue excellence in learning.
- Standard #6 - Regional Leadership
- The Superintendent advocates for children and public education in the larger political, economic and cultural context.
- Standard #7 - Professional Growth of Self and Others
- The Superintendent promotes student success by supporting the professional growth of self and others
- Standard #8 - Creation of Standards-Based Aligned Instructional Systems
- The Superintendent creates a culture of teaching and learning in district student programs with an emphasis on learning.