Act 35
Act 35 was passed by the Pennsylvania State Legislature in 2018. It requires all school districts (beginning in the 2020-2021 school year) in Pennsylvania to assess students once in their academic career (grades 7-12) in civics, government, and United States History. School districts have the option of creating their own (LEA - Local Education Authority created) assessment or utilizing the United States Citizenship Test examination. School districts must provide students who receive a perfect score with a certificate of recognition. Learn more about Act 35
Act 35 Data Report 2020-21 School Year
What type of assessment was given?
LEA Created (Local Education Authority created)
What course(s) was the assessment administered?
US History II
What grade and levels was the assessment administered?
How many students took the assessment?
How many students passed the assessment?
How many students scored 100%?
What type of assessment was given?
LEA Created (Local Education Authority created)
What course(s) was the assessment administered?
What grade and levels was the assessment administered?
How many students took the assessment?
How many students passed the assessment?
How many students scored 100%?
Resources: 2018 Act 35 | PDE SAS Act 35 Toolbox