Youth MOVE PA is excited to host a series of Youth Virtual Drop-In Meetings that are all about getting some social interaction, even if we can't go out and do our normal activities like school, sports, going to the game store, or hanging out with our friends. We know how stressful it can be when our routine is messed up and it is just as frustrating when everyone is talking about the Coronavirus like there might be some sort of impending doom! We want to help you feel better about the outside world and the stress it may bring by meeting new people who join this group. The age range for these chats is from 14 to 29 years old and will be talking about ourselves, what we like, and be discussing a specific topic during each meeting. This gives us some distraction from the anxiety that can arise from being stuck inside all the time. Our meetings will be on Zoom every Monday and Friday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. Meetings will continue to be moderated by Zack, Aaron, and Tristan and we look forward to chatting with you!